As you wait in line for your tea and cookies (yes, these come FIRST so that maybe the caffeine will keep you awake during the ensuing hour and a half lecture), you wonder how long you'll be able to follow this week's seminar . The longest you ever understood anyone was 10 minutes, and the shortest was that time all you got was some lady's title page slide.
You sit down. Three minutes in. Goddamn, what the fuck do those equations mean? And the religious experience begins.
1. Biostatistics seminars are given by gods in their fields. According to Ken Rice, that is.
2. I must take everything a lecturer says on faith to be true. Even some full professors in the department admit to understanding the lectures only one third of the time.
3. You feel guilty if you don't go. (Can you tell I was raised Catholic?)
4. You know that feeling of being completely free to think about anything for one hour? How you don't want to listen to what the priest is saying? How you look around and everyone is staring off into space? Yeah. That happens here. It's the one thing I miss since I stopped going to church. (That and the hilarious idea of the Pope.) I liked being forced to recap life, tv, friends, whatever, out of boredom.
Biostats has become my life, my work, my faith. Once again, please help me.
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