Friday, August 2, 2013

Journaling in the 90s.

I found my elementary through middle school journal the other day. I love that I am exactly the same as I was when I was eight years old. Also, current events/fads are great.

1. Written in 1994 (8 years old). Trapper Keepers, Lion King, and TEN PENCILS.

2.  Written in 1995 (8 years old). I can't believe someone does not like math.

 3. Written in 1999 (13 years old). I can write in cursive. I had an unreadable pink milky pen, which I used to talk about "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace."

4. Written in 1999 (13 years old). I got an A. I played softball. The Knicks were good that year (Patrick Ewing and Larry Johnson)!

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