Sunday, February 28, 2010

Vancouver 2010 in photos

We got to meet two of the super-cute mascots of the 2010 games.

Zipline over a central square in downtown Vancouver

The Olympic Torch, aka cauldron.

We saw the US women obtain one of their two victories; Here, the super-adorable China team beats the German team.

Vancouver department stores show glittery curling fever.

Photos courtesy of Betsy. I forgot my camera battery.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

More cowbell

Olympic women's curling: pretty durn awesome. The spectators have no clue what a curling game is supposed to be like (aka silent, pretty boring), so they scream/have fun, and make curlers cry because they can't hear their skip yelling "HURRY HARD" like none other.

Three best loud-ass moments of the 2pm February 20th draw:
  1. Thousands of spectators simultaneously yell "HARD," when US skip Debbie McCormick needs some help for an end's final shot.
  2. All 6,000 spectators stomp and do the wave, much to the dismay of the curling teams.
  3. Pretty much everyone in Vancouver Olympic Centre buys a cowbell. And rings it the whole time.
 The US beat GBR 6-5, although they got pwned this morning versus Canada. A bunch of other teams played, too. The Chinese team made some hella impressive shots...

Photo courtesy of Megan. More photos to come, hopefully.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

WTF, Seattle? Part III. (Compostable take out boxes)

WTF, Seattle? Does having fancier take home boxes make you feel special? You'll never ever see plastic-coated cardboard boxes, let alone styrofoam (*gasp*). Mostly, all you get is these compostable doodads:
Occasionally, when you are ordering from a Chinese restaurant, you'll get something out of the ordinary like this one... it's all plastic, and therefore recyclable... but... plastic is bad? I'm confused.
Do you compost your fancy-schmantzy take out boxes? Do you wish you could?

Part III of things that are strange (not bad strange, just different) in Seattle.

Friday, February 12, 2010


I'm gonna post about curling, mostly to have awkward photos of myself up on the internet, but also because I am excited that I am going to watch Olympic women's curling in Vancouver. I'll be sure to update you on the games, once I see them... I'll be going to one of next weekend's Saturday draws, featuring the US vs Great Britain.

A rundown on the team. This year it's Team McCormick for the US women. They've won the US nationals titles for the past four years. They should fare better than the US team from the 2006 Olympics (who came in 8th out of the 10 qualifying teams), but they will be significantly less hot... mostly because they are older.  Not that they are not hot, I'm just sayin' they're like mad older than me... I believe one of the ladies on team McCormick may be the oldest female Olympian this year.

A rundown on the game. There is strategy. There are stones that are 'thrown' down the ice: 

Then, there is sweeping. That's for helping the stone go farther and straighter (cuz it curls)! See?

Mostly, though, curling is for drinking....

 and making an ass of yourself:

I'm ready for the 2010 Olympics. BRING IT.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

WTF Seattle? Part II. (On jaywalking)

Imagine you're walking down a street, it's drizzling (like it does), and you come to an intersection. You look both ways. No cars are in sight, but the light is red. Do you cross?

In Seattle, the answer is a resounding 'NO'. You wait until that red hand turns to a white man, no matter how wet you get in the process.

Does anyone know why Seattleites have a stop sign stuck up their butts? Do you think it's better this way?

Part II of things that are strange (not bad strange, just different) in Seattle.