Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cafe Koinonia: "FroYo" Seattle-style.

Cafe Koinonia
41st St and Eastlake Ave, U-district.
(7/10 on my bangin' scale)

Perhaps best known for its slightly ambiguous "YOGURT SANDWICHES" signs and occasional Bible study meetings, Cafe Koinonia is a perfect example of what frozen yogurt should be.

Cafe Koinonia sign, photo courtesy of Google Maps.

As its signage insinuates, the cafe sells a variety of coffee, sandwiches, yogurt, and snacks. I can't say much for their other food (although I've been told they have unpretentious/reasonably priced sandwiches), but their yogurt is quite delicious.

Their two flavors of yogurt--Original and Husky (blueberry yogurt)--are surprisingly flavorful, as non-fat yogurt goes. The toppings, as usu, are where it's at. You prolly know the deal by now: fruit, candy, some nuts. But Cafe Koinonia's fruit is always super ripe and sweet and colorful. As the friendly owner/yogurt man assures me, "mango is good". Let me tell you, having grown up on discount fruits and vegetables (what? my dad is cheap), in general, mango may not be good. At Cafe Koinonia, it most definitely is.

Cafe Koinonia on Urbanspoon

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Presenting Goodspaceguy

I know we're not supposed to give these people press, but... what the fuck. This guy is listed in this month's primary election for King County Executive as "Goodspaceguy". I encourage you to visit his website at http://colonizespace.blogspot.com/. I know he's joking. I know he's making a mockery of our political system. But I also know... CRAZIES.

I'm a bit let down, however. His website doesn't even list his positions on improving space.

Part of his entry in the King County Local Voters' Pamphlet.

In other news, I kinda want to vote for the former NBA player running for mayor.

Under the Bridge

Seattle likes putting things under bridges. (See this awesome (?) cover.) For example, I-5 park, the wall of death, the oh-so-famous troll (pictured below).
This troll is by far the most famous of the Seattle under-the-bridge constructions, and supposedly was put there to stop all the drug dealing and prostitution in the area. The troll is pretty big. He's pretty emo. He was featured in "10 Things I Hate About You". When I met him for the first time over a year ago, I was pretty overwhelmed with hilarity. I kind of love the City of Seattle's public art.

So I want your verdict. Overwhelmed, underwhelmed, or just whelmed?