Sunday, November 10, 2013

Humanity, as told by Google Trends

I challenged my friend Kevin to find a person with a single jump larger than the 2008 Obama jump on Google trends.

He won. Here are some interesting results (click through if you can't see the embedded graph):

1. Michael Jackson's death > Obama.
2. Everyone Googled Sarah Palin during the 2008 election. She nearly eclipsed Britney's peak searchitude during Brit's 2006 divorce/meltdown.
3. Miley Cyrus twerking was more search-worthy than Obama's reelection.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Work Bitch: Grad School Edition.

You wanna graduation
You wanna dissertation
You wanna real vacation*
You better work, bitch

You wanna two bed condo
Sip wine from Carmignano
Look hot in a purple poncho
You better work, bitch

You wanna live nicer
Work a nine to fiver
Party with your adviser
You better work, bitch

(*meaning not at your parents' house.)

PS. Thanks to my grad school friends who helped out with this.