Thursday, July 7, 2011


What do you think of Beyonce's new album, 4?

People say that it is "mature", which I think means they want to say "boring" or "not fun," but they don't want to diss Beyonce because she's a member of the Illuminati.

Then I watch her recently released video. It is definitely mature. As in, for mature audiences only. She was just like, I want a video where everybody sees... me underwears. And me in a boob-tastic wedding dress.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

WTF, Seattle? Part VII. (Community Supported Agriculture)

Seattle, as you might expect, likes its organic food.

There are a plethora of farmer's markets. Seattle's top tourist destination is a farmer's market. Big name Seattle chef Maria Hines (who I have a major food crush on) has two Oregon Tilth certified restaurants (I don't know what that means, either, but supposedly it's really hard to get that certification).

Therefore, it follows logically that community supported agriculture is a big whoop. What is that, you ask? It's when you buy a 'share' of a local farm, and get a shitton of locally-grown organic veggies/fruit every week.

Check out what I got this week for $20: carrots, rainbow chard, red oak leaf lettuce, red beets, strawberries, chives, garlic scapes, and fresh garlic.
A $20/wk share of veggies/fruit from Helsing Junction Farms

Yeah, I'd prolly spend $20 on sh*tty tomatoes and apples that taste like dirt at the supermarket. I'll be getting similar boxes of stuff for the next 17 weeks.

This WTF is one I embrace. Like, WTF, why don't they do this everywhere?

PS. The strawberries are delicious, if you were wondering.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July.

A crappy cell phone photo of Seattle's firework show, dubbed "boobs and sparkle bush," since that's basically all that was showcased.

One instance of boobs and sparkle bush, in front of the Space Needle on Lake Union.