Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Robin S. gets her second moment of fame.

I really, really want an effing 90s dance party. And no, not 90s pop/rap. I want 90s dance music. Break out the Haddaway, La Bouche, and Real McCoy.

I fairly recently freaked out when my all time favorite 90s dance song "What Is Love" was sampled by Eminem.

Even more recently, Jason Derulo sampled Robin S's 1993 hit "Show Me Love" (not to be confused with 90s Swedish pop star/current dance music star Robyn, who also had a 1997 hit called "Show Me Love").

Jason Derulo's version was probably made to make people laugh at?/with? him while dancing.

In short, the point of this post was to get you to throw a real 90s dance party. And invite me, plz.

PS. Coco Jamboo.

Friday, June 10, 2011

I smelled dead people

Well, actually, no I didn't. That's what I would've smelled if I'd gotten a whiff of the Amorphophallus titanum (that's right, that's its name) a day earlier. It is also known as a carrion flower/corpse flower, since it smells like rotting flesh. Apparently it reeks so bad that sometimes people vomit at its stench, and its aroma can waft a radius of 3 blocks.

But it only smells that bad for about a day. Some residual stinkiness can be smelled a day later. Alas, we were even after that baby stench. But we did get to see how giant it was!

The blooming Amorphophallus titanum (right) and Megan (left).

Detail of the flower.

It is disfigured, but not quite amorphous.


That's all for UW's amorphous giant penis flower. At least for about the next eight years, when it'll possibly bloom again.