Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Life Advice: Shobs interprets Cosmo

For anyone who is stressing out about a comprehensive exam, a job interview, the economy, or how many boxes of haagen-dazs ice cream bars to buy at the supermarket when they go on sale for $1, here is some great advice from Making Pennies life contributrice Shobs. She scoured the most recent issue of Cosmo, and sent me this message:

While getting my pedicure today and reading about Dianna Agron in Cosmo (ps. you should check out the cover because she is hottt), I stumbled upon one of Cosmo's unsubstantiated, ridiculous life tips that validates the reason I read this publication.
If you want to stop overthinking something, wash your hands. 

That's it. So, if you're stressing about this problem you can't solve or your public speaking skillz, just go wash your hands. Don't overthink. It's cool.

Thanks, Shobs and Cosmo. I hope this doesn't bring me back to my OCD days when I used to wash my hands every 2 minutes.

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