Sunday, October 31, 2010


Do you remember the Fourteen Commandments of Destiny's Child in "The Writing's On the Wall"?
  1. Thou shall not hate.
  2. Thou shall pay bills.
  3. Thou shall confess.
  4. Thou shall not bug.
  5. Thou shall not give in to temptation.
  6. Thou shall not think you got it like that.
  7. Thou shall not leave me wondering.
  8. Thou shall know when he's got to go.
  9. Thou shall move on to the next.
  10. Thou shall get your party on.
  11. Thou shall say my name.
  12. Thou shall know she can't love you.
  13. If thou can wait, then thou shall stay.
  14. Thou shall cherish life.
Perhaps I can appreciate these more now that I'm not 12 years old anymore. Ingenius. My personal favorite is "Thou shall not think you got it like that."

Maybe I should pull a "Living Oprah"-type stunt, and only live by these 14 commandments...

1 comment:

Baby Bear said...

My personal favorite: Thou shall not bug. I plan to say this to anyone looking remotely close to bugging.